Taking on Trump and the MAGA movement.

The goal in November is not only to defeat Trump, but to decisively destroy the MAGA GOP movement. Our democracy depends on it.

After the November 2020 election, DMA went all-in for two runoffs in Georgia to help ensure a Democratic Majority in the Senate. Following the January 6th 2021 assault on our Capitol, as well as the GOP’s continued support of Donald Trump since then, it is apparent that the threat to our democracy is still very real. As a result, DMA has continued to support pro-democracy candidates around the country.

The ongoing threat to our democracy is more real now than ever.

The fact is that Donald Trump is a national security threat, and must never be allowed to get into the White House ever again. Period.
The MAGA GOP movement is still very real and has infected too many within that party. A threat to our national security remains because this extreme far-right ideology attacks democracy itself, fosters disinformation and conspiracy theories, and normalizes violence against progressive agendas and liberal cultures. The goal in November is not only to defeat Trump but to decisively destroy the MAGA GOP movement. Our democracy depends on it.

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